Archive for October 23rd, 2009

AR15 parts

AR15 PartsWhy be without spare gas rings or an extractor? A complete bolt can be at your disposal ready to be installed, and the parts necessary to repair the faulty bolt are stored handily for the needed repair. You just supply the level of AR15 Parts spares you think you might need. This is the complete M4 Tac-Pac.  What is it? The TAC-PAC is a modular storage system designed to store tactical batteries and other small parts. It consists of an injection-molded housing with interchangeable EVA foam die cut inserts. The housing and insert is closed with a snap-on rubber sealing lid. This is then placed into a tactical nylon storage pouch.



Maine Shooting Ranges

Maine Shooting RangesFind out about Maine Shooting Ranges

There is a need for State and Regional organizations, but many of these are for political purposes and not for a hands on application educating and increasing our (Responsible Gun Owners) numbers. Any NRA Certified instructor may post training classes on our forums and we hope that eventually there will be more gun clubs organizing Rally Points around the Country.

We also realize that many gun clubs do not have the money or the man power to maintain websites and to get the word out about what is going on there. It is also very difficult to try and locate where gun clubs are. We realize this may take several months or years to get the word out about, and we ask that our membership help us do this. The firing line is where teaching the next generation occurs and wants to be the conduit on the internet to get this done.

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