Archive for June 19th, 2011

Sometimes eye protection means eye protection

I may have sounded redundant, but I didn’t mean to.   When we first started carrying eyewear for Law Enforcement we kind of thought that all of the eyewear was for Police guys to look like Police.   I have to admit that the majority of the eyewear are the Ignitor Smith Optics, but I’m shocked at the number of emergency responders that wanted the clear lenses.   The Lifestyle lenses look like they are for the sun, but there is a reason there are clear lense and not the gray or polarized.

In the age of blood diseases and what Cops are exposed to,  sometimes looking good on the job and avoid blood born diseases means always having eyewear on.  Smith Optics Elite Lifestyle lenses were designed for this.  If you are out in the sun  you have the choice of the gray, ignitor, polarized gray and clear lenses.  If your job is that demanding you may want to look at the outside the wire turbo fan googles.


Got to fire a REPR today!

Today I attended an event at a local gun club where several industry big dogs came out and brought their firearms.    I shot a Ruger LCP for the first time and the Ruger 556.    I have to say that I am blown away by the number of high quality AR15 rifles there are out there and it’s amazing to see all of the piston driven guns being accepted by the public.   The AR15 debate seems to never be put to rest but there are more reason to have a piston in the gun than not.

The real event of the day was firing an LWRC REPR.   I was never impressed with the AR10 because it seemed to have all of the same liabilities that the AR15 had plus it was really hard to find decent magazines for.   There are now PMAGs for the .308, but this gun was not like an AR15.   LWRC uppers may make a gun look like a regular AR15, but the REPR functions more like an FAL.   The gun was surpressed but I did feel a lot of gas coming back at me.  The recoil was nothing and the gun felt about 2lbs lighter than my FAL.

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