Archive for October 8th, 2010

Speed and reliability of holsters

I have noticed a trend of CCW individuals that are all going out and picking up the Blackhawk Serpa style holsters for CCW.  Many of these are Glock owners.   I often ask some of these people what they thought about the 1911 pistols and recently busted on a friend that referred to them as relics because they had a manual safety,  I followed up on what he thought about putting a safety on his Glock and he smiled and said “what safety”.   I pointed to the gun holster he was wearing and said “you have a safety on your holster”, and his face dropped.

I started asking him about how many times he’s actually practiced drawing from the holster and if he thought he might have problems retrieving the gun if it was under cover.  These are my opinions, but I always like to challenge people when they are showing signs of going with “the newest thing” mentality and it happens all the time with gun holsters.   I would highly recommend the Blackhawk Serpa holster for OWB or duty carry, but highly argue against  using them for CCW.   If you practice enough you can overcome the thumbsnaps ect. that a gun holster may have on it, but are you more likely to fumble on a particular design when CCW under cover?  Just something to think about.

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