Archive for June 21st, 2011

Gun cleaning is a talent

When most people think about gun cleaning they usually think about how fast they can get it done and what gun cleaning supplies they can use to get the job done.  Most of the time I just use Break Free CLP on all of my guns and rarely bother with Hoppes cleaning solvent.   I’ve learned to avoid those really harsh gun cleaning chemicals and only use them when I am shooting lead or haven’t cleaning a firearm for awhile after shooting it.

Last week I got an opportunity to shoot some of the LWRC M6 rifles.   A few weeks before that I got to shoot an LWRC M6AK.   The only simliar type of AR15 upper receivers I shot were the Smith & Wesson 5.45×39 uppers.  These guns varied in cost, but when I cam home I don’t think I shot up more than $50 worth of ammo and I must have expensed more than 500rds.   When we were done I was told to clean them with Windex!  And that’s another story.

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