All posts tagged best price on Turtleskin gloves

Feedback about Turtleskin search gloves

This is a market we knew practically nothing about until 2012 when we expanded our customer base into the Law Enforcement Market.  Many of our products were for military contractors and security that had very little risk of dealing with HIV or Hepatitus C.   Many in the Law Enfocement have to worry about jerks with diseases spitting on them or leaving needles in their pockets knowing that a Copy might have to search them.   Officers need to wear frisk gloves or atleast carry them in their car at all times.   The truth of that matter is this is something they don’t often have to do, but when they do they need to have them.

Most Police Officers we deal with are buying products based upon their clothing allowance or worse, their own pockets and since not all police departments make the same amount of money, sometimes certain products sell more because they cost less.  We have tip toed with products like the Turtleskin gloves because we were not really sure how they would sell and if people would like them.  This is one of those niche products that LEO’s need but we don’t move a lot of them.  Well considering the fact that we cleaned house on them and zero complaints from customers, we are going to re-order them in 2013.


Gloves that do more than keep you warm

I’ve been trying to learn about some of the tactical gloves and the gloves that Law Enforcement Officials use daily and the spectrum is very broad.  The first thing I usually want to do with gloves is cut the fingers off which is why I actually prefer to use fingerless gloves with some type of re-enforcement around the thumb area.  I’ve had my bad experiences with winter gloves that just got ruined in a day of range use and it was usually the thumb area that got ruined first.   Hatch gloves and sometimes even just baseball gloves get the job done, but the Turtleskin gloves were something we wanted to try out.

We only brought in the Alpha and the Bravo gloves and although I find the Bravo gloves to be the most comfortable to use, there seems to be more customer reviews referencing the Alpha.   The real difference between these two Turtleskin gloves is that the Turtleskin Alpha gloves  are a cold weather glove and according to customer feedback a good winter frisk glove, the Turtleskin Bravo gloves are a lightweight version with more breath ability.  We have some promos running inside our store for the Turtleskin gloves

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