All posts tagged M4 Carbine Stocks

Magpul Stocks and Accessories improving proficiency

Several years ago I sat in on an Appleseed Project and watched people learn basic riflemen skills.  It’s a science to put a bullet in the same hole, just in the same way NASA puts a space probe on mars.   Getting the trajectory and figuring out your bullet ballistics are all the same science.   Velocity, drag, windage, gravity all have the same affect on any object, whether it’s on Earth, Mars or Jupiter.   There are known factors in accuracy and it’s all about “getting” there.  One of the things we can help you out in is getting the right fitting accessories that help you gain proficiency and Magpul Stocks and Accessories can help you get there.

I don’t like to tell people what they should buy, but tell them what they should consider.   I’m still running a quad rail on my primary which is something that is often considered an over-kill or outdated, but it’s still what I call practical.   I’m not sure sure key-mod and M-Lok accessories are going to be around 10yrs from now, but I can tell you there will still be quad-rails.   Magpul Stocks and Accessories will give you the right length of pull, the right grip, the right cheek weld, and also help you illuminate a target and if you figure  out what the perfect match is, help you get on target every time.


Carbine modifications and consistency with furniture

Magpul StocksI’ve tried out several modifications on my M4 and some of them just didn’t cut it.   There are plenty of brands that show up at gun shows and look cool, but i’ve taken that plunge, can’t remember the brand names of all of them, but then cracked grips and wobble parts will eventually show face on the firing line.   I’ve got about 8yrs on the LWRC M6A1 and although it’s got the newer piston design than it originally was designed with, castle nuts have come loose, folding foregrips have broken and magazines have failed.   All mechanical devices have their breaking point and for people who are in situations where that can mean death, all I have to say is, Smart people tend to live longer.

I see all the fragility of many of these airsoft guns out there, but for youth just having fun, it’s a learning experience.    The difference between the Magpul stocks is significant because you have to find that sweet spot with your cheek weld and not everyone is going to be the same.   Hand sizes can differe and someone with small hands is not going to want the AFG1 or a Tapco SAW Grip.   The most popular AR15 grips from our point of you are the Hogue finger groove grips and the Magpul MOE + rubber grips.   Some  batter compartments and gun cleaning kits do not work in both the MAGPUL MOE Grip and the Magpul MOE + so if you have something you are using presently be careful you don’t do an upgrade and find out some of your gear won’t transition over.


Improve your proficiency, modify your firearms

Many people don’t realize until after they spend the day at the range that many of their shooting skills can depend on how well they can adapt to a firearm.  Some firearms can be very hard to get proficient with and that’s not your fault.  One of the biggest reasons the AR15 has become so widely accepted is because is much easier to adapt to.  Now that so many police departments and agencies have been allowed to modify their firearms, gun accessories have become more versatile every year.  The new Magpul MOE is a new generation and though process in developing and adapting your Carbine.

The biggest trend these days is a trend towards having a light carbine.  Realistically speaking the Magpul accessories for the AR15 rarely add much weight, it’s usually the quad rails or barrel selections that do this.  The MOE eliminates some of these problems but you will have to figure out what size rails you will want to attach.  Like all attachments to firearms, you really want to loctite everything down once you are sure your placements are correct.  It’s always good to get a stock adjustment tool fo easier adjustments and tweaking.


Something new and different, will it work for you?

I remember a long time ago whenever I thought about an AR15, it was always the AR15 A2 model and always a 20inch barrel.   The Bushmaster XM15E2 was probable the most widely used AR15 in competition shoots at my gun club.   Most Cops had A2 M16 and then everything changed in the early part of the decade.   Now it’s hard to find anyone with a 20inch barrel on their gun because the M4 Carbine 14 inche barrels have gotten so well made and are so much more accurate than before, that you don’t sacrifice much of anything.

Stock accessories have gotten a bit out of control at times  and my eyes just buggout whenever somebody tells me about so new company or tricked out gadget that they found.   For me and most of my best shooting and LEO friends, the Magpul gun stock accessories and the new Magpul MOE are all we need.  The new angled fore grips are a better idea and don’t get in the way or protrude like many of the foregrips in the past.   Magpul does have a reputation have holding up to Military and LEO use so it’s worth the money.


Improvements to get the feel, right!

I’ll be honesty with you, I would have a hard time given you very many references on places you should go to, to get the answers and avoid a bunch of bullshit when it comes to firearms and accessories.   Gun forums have been around for almost 2 decades now, and even though some are better than others, there is always going to be a lot of BS and drama around certain products.   One of the best analogies I have ever heard when it comes to firearms is that they are just like Golf clubs.  Each firearm is good for its inteded purpose, but you don’t use a putter to drive a golf ball 400yds.  I have family friends that were draft bait in WWII and Korea, and most of them though the M1 Garand was a reliable platform and most said not everyone could shoot them very well, because they were all issued the same gun with the same stocks.    It’s amazing how much modification and stock accessories are out there now, even something like an M14 or M1A rifle can be converted to an adjustable stock.    Everyones length of pull is different and if the gun is too short or too long, it’s going to be hard to get into a good firing position and be proficient.

Mapgul stocks and accessories  are very well made and I have yet to had any of my AR15 rifles break on me.  I’m not one to bash synthetic stocks, and there is nothing wrong with the fixed stock on an AR15, but they don’t work for everyone.  Not only do people have to worry about finding rifle stocks that fit them, they have to think about what if I’m wearing a winter coat?   What if I am wearing body armor and  a tactical vest?   Being able to adjust the stock on your Carbine or rifle by 1-2 inches can be a huge deal as far as comfort.  The Magpul PRS stock will give you a great cheek weld and adjustability.  My personal favorite is the Magpul CTR stock.


Customized rifles and shotguns

rifle stocksThere is another issue that I see come up when taking new students to the range.   I usually bring various military style rifles with me to get people to adjust to recoil and realize the common military style weapons that exist in the world.   Many of these individuals, after a day on the range tend to select the gun that fit them the best.   When I first got into shooting rifles, I started out with all of the military surplus firearms that came into the Country in the early and mid 1990s.   There may never be another time where Soviet style weapons are imported into this Country.   The military warehouses got cleaned out after the fall of the Soviet Empire and American gun owners were the beneficieries.

When I started shooting these rifles, I was lucky if I could hit a pie plate since my shooting expertises was at the novice level.    I’ve shot within 2 inch groups with all of these weapons in the last few years with handloaded ammo so I know that my shooting skills had achieved there peak with these types of firearms.   Another thing I had to do before being able to shoot these rifles comfortable is to upgrade all of the rifle stocks to longer lengths.  I put on various rifle stocks on my SKS rifles, MAK90s and Romanian and Bulgarian AK styles weapons.    I told some of my students that when choosing a Primary rifle or Carbine for Defensive training, don’t hesitate to customize the weapon to your personal comfort.  Put the rifle buttstock on your rifle that you feel comfortable with and make sure you measure your length of pull.   Many of those AK style weapons are too short for us taller types but it is possible to get longer rifle stocks that can get you closer to your comfort zone.


Reasons for change

VLTOR Rifle StocksIt’s hard to know if a configuration is best for you.   I recently got a phone call from a shooter that sounded like he was new to the AR15 family.   He was asking about which rifle stock configuration was best and then I asked him what his LOP or length of pull was and he had no idea.    The reasons for adjustable stocks is because each operator issued a Carbine has a different arm length.   I’ve  punched myself in the nose with rifles and shotguns that were too short for me and modified several of my M1A rifles to fit my comfort.   There are also other reasons for having stock modifications.   If you are wearing a heavy winter coat or body armor you will want to shorten your stock.    Next time  you are at a gun shop or a shooting range, ask other shooters if you can hold there gun and see how it feels.  Check the gun stock manufacturer and do some research.

There are different levels of weaponry and modifications depending on the deployment.   Vltor rifle stocks were designed for Marine Corps and Special forces.   The design of the updgrades to your AR15 are for improved ergonomics and for increase storage capabilities.   The notion of storing gun parts or batteries on your firearms  is debateable, but there are plenty of people that like this reasoning.   The VLTOR rifle stocks also have a cheekweld and buttstock design that will increase your lock on to target.


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