Seasonal Transitions for CCW

Fobus HolstersAny experienced and well trainied CCW holder will tell you that it may be wise to change your holster or carry gun during the change in seasons.    I’ve spotted more than a few CCW holders out in the open when it was pretty obvious that the machismo took the best of them and they just had to keep carrying that 1911 IWB at 5 o’clock in the summer months as they were 5’7″ and didn’t realize that when they were standing in line at the super market that I could see the T-shirt bunched up around the belt line.

Concealment is suppose to mean concleament and there are a few places in the State where a Sheriff may fine you if he can spot your firearm.   We’re free to carry in whichever fashion we prefer, but some ways of carrying firearms can hurt you if you fall down or things get physical.    I often recommend people consider pocket carry or IWB in the warmer months and in the Fall or Winter, they should consider a good jacket that opens easily and a paddle holster.   Fobus holsters will only cost you about $20 and they area easy to take off and put on and IMHO are more secure than a clip on OWB holster.


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