Don Hume paddle holsters

I have a pile of Fobus gun holsters that have served me well and I don’t ever question the money that I have spent on holsters for the firearms that I now own.  I guess I’ve gotten smarter in regards to which configurations of holsters to have around.   I rarely carry using paddle holters due to the fact that I am usually not carrying openly and when I’m carrying openly I’m usually working with an M4 Carbine.   I have had bad experiences with some belt clip on holsters but I blame 90% of the failures on the gun belts I used, but I still have had them come loose on me.

For anyone that owns a medium to large frame sidearm, a paddle holster is something you should consider having available for your firearm.   Fobus seems to be the most commonly seen paddle holster at my ranges, but since I am a fan of Don Hume holsters especially for concealed carry I decided to pick up a paddle holster from them.   The first thing I noticed when I was wearing it was that it looked nice and felt like the $50 I spent on it unlike the $20 on the fobus.   The only thing I still to this day do not like are the thumbreak release on the top.   If  you practice enough it is something you can learn to get use to, but they really aren’t for me.   If I am going to take a step from Fobus gun holsters, I prefer the Blackhawk Serpa holsters.


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