More bang for the buck

Smith & Wesson 5.45 UppersWe’re still waiting to get feedback from our operators to see how well this upper holds up over time.   I don’t believe they’ve been on the market long enough to get combat worthy reports yet, but we shall see.  There seems to be a dry spell on finding a good AK in 5.45×39 and the AR15 Upper may be your best option.  The Upper comes in an flat top configuration and will be a great secondary or primary weapon to keep around.


The S&W 5.45×39 is probable the most financially useful upper you can get.   There are pistol caliber uppers you can get that are also not very expensive, but the 5.45×39 rifle ballistics are far superior in energy and lack of over-penetration compared to pistol caliber variants.  Smith & Wesson 5.45 Upper Most of the 5.45×39 may not be using this gun for home defense, but it is something to think about and there is absolutely nothing wrong with using this caliber for home defense.   The Smith & Wesson 5.45×39 upper comes with 1-30rd mag Item # SW812005



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