All posts tagged 8rd Magazine

And I didn’t have issues with my 1911 anymore

After a few range sessions, I didn’t have a single malfuntion and I though it was time to test out some hollow point defensive ammo.   I loaded up the 2 Colt Magazines I had and the 2 Wilson mags and started blasting.    I had an malfuntions with the Colt magazines and none with the Wilson.    I wasn’t too sure of the technical reasons why this was occuring, but after signing  up a popular gun forum known as the  I found out why.   Wilson Combat did a great job in designing their plastic followers to hold up better than the majority of the metal magazines you’ll find for a 1911.   The followers and magazine body are aligned properly for better feeding into the barrel and will increase ammo tolerance.

My First 191Wilson Combat Magazines1 was a Colt 1991A1 and It came with 2 Colt 7rd magazines.   I shot about about 500rds through it and I had an occasional malfunction.   The problem I kept having was the slide would close on an empty chamber.   I did some reading and found that it was most likely the magazine slide stop tab was bending and wasn’t full engaging the slide stop.    A pair of needle nose plyers fixed that for a few hundred rounds more then the problem came back.     I found out about Wilson Combat Magazines and picked up a few mags.   The magazines weren’t flush with the bottom of the gun, but I got use to them pretty quick.


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