All posts tagged AK Rifle Case

Packed and ready

Bulldog Rifle CasesSoft cases are usually made of nylon and many of the assault cases are designed similiarly.   Assault rifle cases are very practical because they hold and organize your magazines.   I highly recommend marking the case for a specific rifle just so you don’t get your semi-autos gun magazines mixed up.   If you don’t need something like an assault rifle case, then and easy think to do is just a zip up soft case or gun sock.    You may want to look into a range bag which can hold staplers or even handguns and magazines as well as ammo.

Today might be the day that you were out at the range and you realized that you forgot your sight in tools, or you forgot to bring enough magazines, or worse, you forgot your rifle mags or you brought the wrong ones.   Bulldog rifle cases are very well made and won’t burn a hole in your pocket.   Serious gear needs serious organization and that doesn’t mean we need to have an SKB hardcase for our rifles.   I would suggest that if you have a rifle that costs over $3000 and that is including the optics then you may want a hard case, but let’s be practical.   We need to transport our guns WITH the gear we need and not have to add much weight.



Training and preparedness

Tactical gun casesTactical gun cases are rarely used to their fullest.  After witnessing a lot of shooting events, I’d have to say that disorganization seems to be pretty common amongst most gun owners.  I’ve seen guys show up  with wrong magazines, no backup batteries, no screw drivers, no tools for fixing scopes and countless other goofy stuff.   There have been a few times where I was impressed at how well guys or gals organized there gear in one range bag.

The truth of the matter is only you know what your firearm needs to keep it up and running and what to repair it with, I’m not talking about stockpiling tons of ammo and tools boxes in  your rifle case, but you really should check out some of the tactical rifle cases that are out there.   Uncle Mikes, Bulldog and tacforce all make tactical cases, but their other other usefull pockets other than the standard 30rd magazine pockets.   If you’re going to pick up a gun case, you really should think about marking it with something so you know which gun is in there.   Keep a small multi purpose screw driver in there, allen keys, maybe something to carry batteries for your flashlight or Eotech optics, and you may seriously think about keeping your sight in tools there.  There are various types of tactical rifles cases, some are much close to sniper drag bags than something you can carry like a briefcase, but it may save you some headaches if you are always prepared.


Rifle Storage

Gun CasesMany of us know what it’s like to own a 18 gun rifle safe, but it really only holds 12 of our rifles.   Sometimes estimating storage space for firearms can be difficult do to all of the customized accessories that we put on them.    For instance, 12 guns with 20-50MM optics on them and owning semi-autos with 30rd magazines can take up a lot of room.  Some gun safes will be designed for standing up your guns, but where do you put all of your magazines, sight in tools, targets ect?

One way to clean up your gun safe is don’t put all of your stuff in there that you don’t need to put in there.  For how much it costs for a decent soft gun case you can easily spend less than a $200 and put most of  your semi-auto magazines, targets and sight in tools in Bulldog, Uncle Mikes or other tactical carbine or assault case.   I’ve seen some nightmarish incedences where people have so much junk cluttered in their safe that one big clunk could damage a $1000 optic.    I’d suggest finding a closet in your house that can be locked where all of your accessories, magazines ect can be organized so it doesn’t clutter your safe. Unless you’ve got $3000 to spend and a basement big enough to store a huge safe, there’s always a practical way of storing your guns without spending much money.

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