All posts tagged Ankle Holster

Methods and uses for holsters

Bulldog HolstersSometimes people think that a holster is only a term that applies to a firearm.   The more you carry tactical gear like knives, flashlights ect. the more you’ll realize that you may want a  holster that works for those, too.    Another thing to think about is what kind of magazine  holsters to use.   I’ve seen lots of gun mags fly out of mag holders because they were not appropriate for the task.   Some magazine holsters are nice for IDPA or competition shooting, but sit on a reclining chair on a hot summer day and you’ll notice your mags are on the chair and not in the mag.   I’ve seen this happen to friends that were sitting in the seat next to me on the long car ride home, they lean back in the chair and the mags are falling out.

Bulldog Holsters are also making shotgun shell holders which are a must for all shotgun owners.   I still get laughs from some of my friends that think i’m trying to pull a Chewbacca impersonation by using Bulldog holsters that are holders like that, but it really makes sense if you have a pump shotgun.    The bulldog ankle holster is a slightly different style than the Uncle Mikes holster design and not much different in price.  This is something that would fall into the deep concealment category, but it is really either this or pocket carry for most white collar or social environments where there may be a lot of contact.


The suit and tie

Galco HolstersThere are always multiple ways of carrying a concealed firearm.  If you can really carry a full size auto all day and feel comfortable that good for you, but there are environments that many of us will get in where concealing a firearm is difficult.   Keep in mind that not everyone of us is carrying a gun in an environment where we’re dealing with friendlies.   There are plenty of places we can carry where a woman may bump into us and know she hit a Sig Sauer 9mm, but in other places you’ll get, “what is that, are you carrying a gun?”

The Galco Holster Miami Vice style may look cool on TV, but that is going to be easy to spot if we have to move around a lot and take off a jacket.  Weddings are usually the harder environments to carry when concealment is of the utmost importance.   You will be in a room that will get hotter and the jacket you are wearing is going to become very uncomfortable at some point.   IWB is going to be ruled out if you have a tucked in shirt and you’re mostly out of options.   Galco holsters in the ankle configuration are a very good option for wedding environments.  Pocket carry is always a good suit and tie option, but an ankle holster with a light frame revolver is something worth considering.

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