All posts tagged AR15 Stocks

A recent stock failure and no time to mess around

I’ve had 2 stock failures in recent  years and one was my fault for not checking the carbine to make sure it was tight after thousands of rounds of use and the other was during a Carbine course where I showed a student how to clear a malfunction by slamming the butt stock on the ground.  There is a YouTube video of someone hurting their  hand with a CTR stock but there are obvious limites on how much banging around a gun or accessory can take.  When there is a fire and you have to break the glass to get to an axe, you don’t need to hit the glass hard that you break the axe handle and end up with a metal wedge.

I’ve had issues with firearms in the past, usually finicky handguns where I just got tired of the intermittent magazine failure that I just replaced all of the mags springs and recoil springs and was done with it.  If you are looking for gun accessories and not sure what you want, take a serious look at the Magpul accessories for the AR15 rifle and  you’ll probable find what you are looking for.   You can’t beat the MOE stocks and accessories but there are always unique things out there that the major firearm accessory companies don’t have.


When the gunsafe gets tight

Advanced Technology StocksYou might want to think about collapseable stocks or folding stocks.   Guns can take up a lot of space depending on the optics and accessories you put on them.    I’ve seen plenty of my friends go from 12 or 18 rifle safes to full size gun safes just because of the optics they had on rifles.   One thing they never advertise when you are shopping for a gun safe is what kind of rifles it will hold.  Cramming your guns in will only cause damage and make getting guns in and out a headache.   Instead of worrying about having to find a new gun safe, you might want to think about spending a few hundred bucks on changing the stocks of your military style weapons to something that can fold or collapse.

The M4 Carbine rifle is not only a fast and effective CQB weapon, but a very easy to manuever carbine inside a vehicle.   You can easily gain 30% more room in a gun safe by mounting guns on the wall of the safe if you can fit them and you probable will.  I’ve seen friends mount short carbines on the inside door of a safe just because they could.  If properly mounted, an AK with an Advanced Technology Stock side folder will probable mount right on the door and you may even be able to two if you can mount it properly.


A better look

Advanced Technology StocksBack in the 1990s there was a lot of Eastern Com-Block guns coming into the Country.   There were also a lot of MAK90s and SKS Rifles coming in from China.   Not sure why there were so many Chinese guns coming in, but there must have been some house cleaning from the Militarys over there.   You may be able to find a well made 7.62×39 rifle being made in the USA now, but they are pretty expensive and will cost you about the same as a new AR15 or more.   Some of the nicest AKs are being by Arsenal Arms and they look and shoot great.

You may at some point come across a really beat up and ugly looking AK variant called a MAK90.   These came in the country and normal AK parts, but had to have a thumbhole stock put on it and the pistol grip was removed.   This has to be one of the biggest eye sores ever put a a military style rifle.   Probable one of the most un-natural configurations.   There is a way to legally change the stock to a nicer looking form from Advanced Technology stocks,  theywill work on the Egyptian Maadi or Chinese MAK90.  This Fiber Force Stock

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