All posts tagged best deal on Glock magazines

Magazines maintenance another forgotten chore


Magazine maintenance is something that is getting talked about more and more in instructors schools.   Now that using USGI magazines is becoming less and less common in Law Enforcement, the notion that gun magazines are throw aways isn’t so common anymore.  Magpul has taken a huge chunk of the Law Enforcement market and the only time it’s time to toss a Magpul P-mag is when the feed lips are worn.   There’s not reason to run them into the ground, but the life of a Pmag is a hundred times longer than a USGI rifle magazine.

Handgun magazines are also getting stronger and stronger, but there are many thing in a pistol magazine that can wear down and cause a firearm to become unreliable.  Glock magazines are pretty darn tough but even these gun magazines need maintenance from time to time.   If you put a lot of lead down range, even  your gun magazine should get cleaned out.   One thing you should be very restrictive about though is not using lubricant or grease  unless you are preventing run from forming.   A little CLP wiped on and off the spring and inner magazine is Ok, but it should be almost dry so that it does not attract dirt.

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