All posts tagged boogie regulators for sale

Protection without compromising visibility and style?

Smith Optics Elite eyewearWe’ve been selling the Smith Optics Elite ballistic eyewear for a very long time and although we consider ourselves new to it, so are the vast majority of our customers.   Most people see protective eyewear at a hardware store that is something you wear when riding a tractor or lawnmower or even with a weedwacker.   Those inexpensive glasses will stop a flying rock or piece of wood but they are not going to give you protection from objects moving 650 FPS.   I have been wearing the Chamber tactical polarized brown sunglasses for a very long time and the reason I went with these was that they gave  me the best visibility.   Everyone’s face and head is different so for some people it’s about the frame and how it sits on your face rather than just  the sizes of the lense.

I’ve been asking Smith  Optics Elite to make a smaller frame or atleaset thinner frame Protective glasses because I have a hard time using eyewear like this on a firing line due to the fact there are blind spots.   The Smith Optics Elite Eyewear that we got in are the Pivlocks and these are kind of a cross between sunglasses and the Smith Optics Elite eyeshields.   I love the Eyeshields for range or protective services but I do not like them for daily use.  If I wore those while driving a car I’d look like a meat butcher.   We’re always looking for feedback and customer reviews from products like this and the best way to test them out is to stop in our Broomall, Pennsylvania stocking dealer showroom.


Feedback from EMS customers about Smith Optics Elite ballistic eyewear

Smith Optics Elite Protective SunglassesLocal EMS folks have been asking us about new products, what they like and reviews on various competitors product.  Even as a paramedic dealing with blood splatter, needles ect are things that not everyone realizes are life altering things due to all of the various blood pathogens that are out there.    Waterproof boots are not for water its about protecting your feed from  HIV, Hepatitis C and on and on.   Some of the  local trauma surgeons are wearing the Smith Optics Elite Aegis Eyeshields.   The Aegis Echo has a flat metal frame that gives you more comfort if you have a hat or helmet on.   The Boogie Regulators have a strap that can go over many different types of helmet, swat helmets, artillery or any other infantry type.

There are always different needs and uses of eye wear, but the most versatile are the Eye shields. One problem that some sunglasses can have is they do not give you the protection against projectiles that can bounce around on a firing range that regular shooting glasses can have. One issue glasses can have besides being cheap and not holding up are they they do not give you good clarity or visibility. Ballistic sunglasses like  Smith Optics Elite protective sunglasses are for street wear, but the larger frames will restrict visibility that the eye shields do not. We each can have our preferences on what color lense we want and the great thing about the eye shields in the replacement lenses. For training and carbine classes and you don’t want to be wearing goggles, the eye shields are the best option in safety glasses for protection and visibility.

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