All posts tagged Combat lights

Lights, Lasers and Strobes

I think people do get carried away with firearm accessories, but I have found that training with defensive tactics using flashlights is well worth it.   I don’t think a flashlight is going to stop a threat, but it surely can out a threat, identify innocent people, and possible distract an attacker for a few seconds.  Many of the situations that people have been in that were considered hostile and mostly women, could have been dealt with, with non-lethal force.   Pepper spray and mace are a good companion because firearms have far more legal ramifications.

When it comes to using lasers, that’s a personal preference, I personally find them to be more useful for less trained shooters to give them for confidence, and they work well for those in environments where using cover is more probable and having a laser may give you more accuracy while the majority of your body is out of the view of a threat.   Streamlight flashlights have a TLR-1, TLR-2 and the TLR-3 they  will give you the standard flashlight, laser, or the laser and strobe depending on the model you use.  I would give caution to putting too much on a firearm and put more into the training of the operator.   Manual safeties complicate firearms as much as putting too many switches on one.


Deciding on putting a white light on a handgun

I have witnessed one too many times of people mounting things on firearms that fall off, get snagged or malfunction.  The more you put on a firearm that needs to be tightened or screwed on, the more you better pay attention to how it is mounted and verifying that it has been locked in every time you expect to use it.   I haven’t caught on to the handgun white light idea because considering the distance I would use a sidearm inside my home, holding a flashlight while shooting a Glock vs having it on a Glock doesn’t really mean much to me.   I’m not going to be taking 25yd shots where I need a better shooting grip to get good shots.

Mounting a white light on your gun may also mean  you can’t use your gun holsters anymore and you’ll have to run out and pick up a new one.   Keeping a gun in your bed side safe with a white light is very practical.  Streamlight flashlights make the TLR-1 and TLR-2 that gives you the option of a flashlight or flashlight and laser.  I’m a fan off certain types of firearms for me, but there are guns that I would issue to less trained loved ones with certain accessories because they are easier to manipulate or handle.   I’m a big fan of shotguns and battle rifles, but that is too much for a fragile person to handle inside the home.  I’d feel better issuing a Glock 19 with a white light than a 1911 with a manual safety for someone less trained to deal with recoil and stress.

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