All posts tagged handgun laser grip reviews

Lasers for communication and targeting, not just for plinking

crimson trace laser gripsThe whole laser and light debate seems to make people’s heads spin because so much of it is about scenarios or hypothetical situations.   You have to train to use those tools and they can all be a liability.  Just like hunting deer, you gotta watch how you move and worry about being downwind so you have a better change of getting your game, well being in the military or Law Enforcement, they are trained to use various tools like ballistic shields, flash bangs and breaching shotguns.   Home owners should really train to  use their firearms in situations that pertain to the dimensions of their houses.   If you measure out areas where you might potentially defend yourself, you are being more practical and build muscle memory and confidence.  If you don’t have that, you may want to switch firearms or put a laser grip or a laser light combo on your gun.

There are several products that we sell that each do things a little different so you might want to call or email us questions if you are not sure about various features.   The reviews we have gotten on the Crimson Trace Laser Grips make it our number one most sold, but if you got the money check out Viridian or even the Streamlight laser light combos.   Crimson Trace Laser grips can work well on revolvers for hunting (on private land) or for adding confidence to your CCW .380 or J-frame guns.   You can also use lasers to point to certain areas and also to identify where a threat might be hiding.  Don’t forget that even though you might have gotten in trouble in school for using a laser pointer, you can use them in the same way on your firearm, as long as you pay attention to the 4 safety rules.

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