All posts tagged Kimber Pepper Blaster

Convenience and comfort with pepper sprays

We have a lot of new pepper sprays with many various configurations for sale in our brick and mortar store and our online website.  You will have to consult with your local township laws on what is legal but the product line is expanding and things have really improved.   At first people get sticker show when they look at the price of the Ruger or the Kimber Pepper blasters but they are worth just as much as the $8 pepper sprays you get on a keychain from ASP or others.   Much of this is not at the same level as the stuff that many law enforcement officers carry but some of it is pretty darn close.   There are  not always just good for primary but also a very good secondary option that can save you money on the long run by reducing the legal fees of using a firearm.

My favorite secondary choice is the Kimber Pepper Blaster II which is a big ergonomically improvement over the Kimber Guardian angel.   We have several of the Sabre Defense and the ASP Pepper sprays available on our counter top displays at work and even though the Ruger pepper sprays and the Kimber Pepper blaster have some good points, these are tried and tested devices.   We have several customers that have been in our store that have told us they used them in defensive situations while dating or being on College campuses.  Sometimes instead of a kick in the balls a good stream across the face is a good way to say “you aren’t  interested”.


Best backup or self defense pepper spray?

That’s a hard answer to give because there are many variables in deploying pepper sprays but the best for the price that is easy to use and lasts a long time is the Kimber Pepper Blaster.  This design is much better than the previous guardian angel which felt more like a TV remove than a firearm.  I personally have demonstrated several of these for students and everyone thought they were very easy to use and a better option than bottle pepper sprays.    Everyone still comes in here to pick up the same old bottle pepper sprays and although these work well on sober attackers, overly aggressive men, they are not the fastest deploy.   Sure, if you train hard you can probable become more proficient but not everyone is going to have the time to do so.

There is a holster you can use with the Kimber Pepper Blaster but putting it in your pocket or a designated area of a purse is just fine.   It’s not like the Kimber Pepper Blaster is going to jam up on you from pocket lint.  There are no mechanical parts to move other than the trigger.  You get almost a 4yr lifetime out of these pepper blasters and they are very easy to toss in a your pants pocket.  The Tru Spec tactical pants and Woolrich Elite pants all have pockets that you can use that will fit these quite nicely.   I highly recommend these for gifts or for backups for personal protection.


Kimber Pepper Blaster 2 replaces Kimber Guardian Angel

 ASP Pepper sprays and other less lethal options are great backup devices for concealed carry.  When it comes to CCW,  tactical knives can be used for self defense or every day carry and utility purposes. Tactical clothing designs vary in many ways and the ability to carry spare gun magazines in pockets and vests can be done, but it’s all about preference. Speed Loaders for the j-frame pocket carry make a nice backup. For more aggressive tactical purposes Blackhawk tactical gloves, Vickers tactical gloves give you a broad spectrum of applications.

For more tactical clothing and tactical apparel options, Woolrich Elite Series tactical shirts, tactical pants and tactical vests, we have a large selection depending on your preference of tactical clothing, the Kimber Pepper Blaster works well in either tactical pants like the Blackhawk lightweight tactical pants, Eotac tactical pants, light weight and CCW vests, Woolrich Elite Discreet Carry Twill Jacket, The Woolrich Elite Parka, and a large selection of tactical flashlight, gun holsters and magazine holders.


Kimber Pepper Blaster our number 1 selling less lethal device

I think we can honestly say as a retailer of tactical gear and firearm accessories that when we are asked about the various pepper sprays that we carry, that we’ve gotten 100% positive feedback about the new Kimber Pepper Blaster II.  I guess Kimber might have gotten sued over the Kimber Guardian Angel name or something because they changed it for some reason.  The Pepper Blaster II has been out for over a  year and this redesigned version is a big improvement.  The original version which was called the Kimber Guardian Angel had more of a TV remote control feel to it.   The design was not as securely held in your hand especially if you have smaller fingers.

If you want to avoid dealing with law enforcement for brandishing firearms carrying a less lethal device as a backup or secondary might be a good idea.  Some of these flash mob incidents wouldn’t look so good on the news if you started a shootout with unarmed individuals especially minors but the kimber pepper blaster II is a good 2 shot weapon that can be used on a bad guy to deter them from any bad behavior.  The best selling point about these besides the firearm looking grip and design is that these last for about 4yrs.   Knowing your $40 purchase won’t go to waste or loose energy in a year is a good thing.


Backup options, less lethal methods

In Philadelphia there have been numerous instances of minors using weapons in crimes, but by Law these individuals are Children and are not considered to be adults.   With the level of violence that is occuring in some areas of the Country, carrying a firearm is very important but just because you have a gun doesn’t mean that the trigger always needs to be pulled when dealing with a threat.  There are deeply misguided individuals that pickup a gun and know nothing about morality or have any idea of what the consequences of their actions are.

As an adult, I am aware that the youth can display bad judgement especially when there is group think.   ASP pepper sprays are a good option even if you are packing a firearm because having good situational awareness and knowing that you can stay ahead of a threat and possible completely diffuse a problem before things get out of  hand with pepper spray or mace may save you the problem of dealing with lawyers and a not so friendly news media.  The Kimber Pepper Blaster II is probable the best thing to carry because it is shaped like a gun and lasts 3x’s longer than most bottle pepper sprays.

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