All posts tagged magpul gun magazines

Fighting Carbines and knowing when you are running empty

I never really bothered with the pmags with the windows until I started taking Carbine courses.  I try to take at least 2 per year just to get use to the anxiety that is common with not being on the range very often but this is all part of my mental training.   As some of you know not everyone has gotten into owning firearms just for the fun of it or for some type of hobby.   Some of us have been on the receiving end of the bad elements of society and our eyes have become open.

When it comes to fighting under stress the notion of feeling recoil is null and probable several pounds of gun isn’t going to bother you, atleast for a little while.  There have been times I have known my magpul pmags were running low because I was not under stress and I could feel the difference in weight when I turned the gun, but under stress it’s best to just look at your magazines and know where you are at.  If you see less than 10rds or it’s 1/3 full you might want to do a tactical reload.   If not, you have assurance your gun won’t run empty.


Firepower vs balance

There are many things that in theory are nice but in reality just don’t work.   I remember the first time I fired a Glock 45acp which was 13rds + 1 for a total of 14rds and the thing just seemed too heavy.  If I wore that in a leg holster or thigh rig it would be too much.  There are so many arguments in the handgun world that I just don’t engage in because the truth of the situation that usually ends the caliber debates is ” get a Carbine” and forget about  your 9mm vs 45acp  or .357 Sig debates.

For home defense I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want a carbine or shotgun with a light on it vs a handgun.  Ballistics test show us time and time again that loading up your  magpul pmags with 30rds and frangible ammuntion is a better thing to use in a modern home than a 38 special or 9mm handgun.  A better thing would be the 20rd magpul pmags which give you a stronger magazine but better balance and easier maneuverability than a larger protruding magazine.   After all, what firearm has 20rds and has the balance of an M4 Carbine?


Stop screwing around with those inferior gun magazines

I just pulled out one of my gun cases and noticed that I had a couple 30rd magazines still in it.   I never stow loaded magazines in gun cases, but there have been times that I have gone to gun ranges and realized I had a bunch of Mini 14 magazines and not the GI AR15 magazines I thought they were.   I still have a few GI magazines laying around but I never bring them to the range.   It’s funny that I view my AR15s in a different light now that I have been using PMAGS.   Almost a decade ago I use to spend a lot my weekends at a gun range about an hour from me, and use to watch the guys with the AR15’s in amazement because of how much money they had tied up in the firearms.

I finally broke down and picked up a Bushmaster XM15E2 and took it to the range.   I must have had close to 6 malfunctions with it the first month I shot the thing and almost retired the gun.   I heard about Magpul Pmags after a friend sent me the link to a Youtube video.  I picked up one magazine because I didn’t want to end up getting screwed if they weren’t good, well, needless to say I ended up picking up more magazines a few more AR15s.  Magpul industries really has their stuff in order when it means creating combat reliable magazines and accessories.


Magpul accessories more fun than dressing up your date to the Prom

We’ve pruned some of gun magazines accessories down a little bit in 2011 based mostly on which products sold, and secondly on which products we got the least complaints about.  Breakage and fit issues is something we really don’t like dealing with because many of the times it was the customer breaking the part while trying to put it on the gun.  It seems to be better these days because quality control in machining has improved but its not a battle we want to deal with every week when people come back with the same products and tell us the part was broken when they got it, when we know that it wasn’t.

Magpul makes some really nice gun sights for the M4 Carbine and they are in the top 3 category with Troy sights.  There are differences in optics sights and having folding sights vs fixed sights is something that comes up fairly often.  Magpul pmags are in their own category and there is very little reason to think about using anything but these gun mags.   You can actually help camoflauge your firearm by picking certain color variations that help break up the look.  Foliage green, OD green an Flat dark earth as well as Black are available for all of the Pmags.

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