All posts tagged quad rail

Are Magpul stocks and accessories getting more comlicated?

magpul stocks and accessoriesThe answer to that is yes, in a way and there are also more options.   Recently we found out that we had a whole bunch of wrong information about some of the Generation 3 magazines and found out there are 2 types of ranger plates.   One of them is for the Gen 2 magpul pmags and the others are for the Gen 3 pmags.   There are still customers buying the original magpuls if they are running metal magazines like the SA80 or USGI magazines but for those that want a  magazine that they can pull out of a bag quickly or out of a tactical vest, the ranger plates are a good stable and permanent option.   AR15 magazines in general are becoming stronger and stronger and we know magpul is getting some competition, but we’ve chosen to stick with Magpul stocks and AR15 accessories for a reason.

One of the first things we think about when we actually start stocking the Magpul gun accessories is how well they are made and if we get many complaints about things breawing.  We have had issues with other brands especially the cheap Chinese made products but the Magpul stocks and accessories that we have in house are usually our best sellers.  The Magpul CTR stock is a staple in the industry and then from there it gets more sophisticated.  If you want extra batter storage or accessories storage there are magpul MOE grips that you can even use a field survival kit with that will hold extra bolt carrier parts or shell extractors.

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