All posts tagged rifle case reviews

Buying what you need and not what you don’t need for your firearms

allen gun casesThere are huge differences in the material and protection that you will get from various gun case manufacturers.  We have a showroom here in Pennsylvania where all you have to do is pick up one of the rifle cases and squeeze it and  you’ll feel better knowing your $2000 AR15 , Optics and flashlight is going to take a few clunks and still be protected.  We still get people walking in looking for items such as the Allen pistol rugs because they only need it for transporting and don’t want to drop $100 on a fancy range bag or spend $40 on a pack.  I’ve never gotten into the pistol scope thing but many people are using the Trijicon RMR optics on their guns.

If you want an easy fix for gun transport the gun socks are great for shotguns or rifles that don’t have optics on them.   I keep several of these around as well as other Allen gun cases for my Russian SKS rifles and my Remington 870.   The Russian SKS can take a few dinks to the stock because it’s already pretty roughed up an I’m not so concerned about scratches.  The Assault rifle bags are fairly inexpensive and for someone that wants to keep their magazines organized these are a great way to keep your stuff together.

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