All posts tagged sale on ballistic eyewear

Ballistic eyewear and spitballs

I recently got off the phone with a local Law Enforcement Officer that mentioned that he was shopping for new eyewear.  It’s funny how often I hear the same thing from Law Enforcement because it’s not something that occurs on a firing line at all.   If you are a Law Enforcement officer you are dealing with the lowest elements of society and having one of those lower elements of society spit on you is repulsive.  Having on eyewear that keeps scum from getting into your eyes.

There are varying degrees of bullet proof vests you can wear, but the higher the protection the more weight and bulk you will be carrying around.   Ballistic eyewear or tactical eyewear may not stop a bullet, but when bullets fly you can still have debris from concrete, wood or metal fly up into your face.   A splinter of metal is enough to cause blindness and a $70 pair of ballistic lenses can stop a 650fps debris particle.  Worth it?  You bet.

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