All posts tagged secondary weapons

More Feedback from customers about the Kimber Pepper Blaster

IF you walked into our Broomall Showroom, you would see a large selection of the new pepper sprays.  We still get customers that stubbornly don’t want to use anything but the small mace pepper spray that come in the keychain size, but we always show them the Ruger Ultra and stealth pepper sprays, the Kimber Pepper Blaster II and a few others.  The ASP Pepper Sprays seem to still be very popular due to their marketing of jogger or runner pepper sprays.  I guess joggers seem to cover more territory and going through parks or wooded areas make them higher risk for robberies.

Our favorite pepper spray is by far the one that has an expiration date of 4yrs and is shaped more like a firearm.   For many people, the idea of pulling a pepper spray out of your purse or pocket and  knowing which direction it pointing, the Kimber Pepper Blaster II is the most expensive pepper spray but if you can get past the idea that  you’re paying for 4yrs of security, then it’s not so much of a sticker shock.   We normally try to keep a dummy pepper blaster around for people to handle and that is normally an easy sell.



Kimber Pepper Blaster our number 1 selling less lethal device

I think we can honestly say as a retailer of tactical gear and firearm accessories that when we are asked about the various pepper sprays that we carry, that we’ve gotten 100% positive feedback about the new Kimber Pepper Blaster II.  I guess Kimber might have gotten sued over the Kimber Guardian Angel name or something because they changed it for some reason.  The Pepper Blaster II has been out for over a  year and this redesigned version is a big improvement.  The original version which was called the Kimber Guardian Angel had more of a TV remote control feel to it.   The design was not as securely held in your hand especially if you have smaller fingers.

If you want to avoid dealing with law enforcement for brandishing firearms carrying a less lethal device as a backup or secondary might be a good idea.  Some of these flash mob incidents wouldn’t look so good on the news if you started a shootout with unarmed individuals especially minors but the kimber pepper blaster II is a good 2 shot weapon that can be used on a bad guy to deter them from any bad behavior.  The best selling point about these besides the firearm looking grip and design is that these last for about 4yrs.   Knowing your $40 purchase won’t go to waste or loose energy in a year is a good thing.

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