All posts tagged Self Defense Weapons

Kimber Guardian Angel sticker shock?

Kimber Guardian AngelIf you are looking to carry mace or pepper spray, I would absolutely have to urge you to do some research on the Kimber Guardian Angels also known as the Life Act.    At first you might get sticker shock, and I think you may want to consider buying 2 of them and test firing 1 of them before you really get comfortable carrying one.   I’ve earned my merit badges in seeing evil in the world I know walking around with the smallest pepper spray bottle to fend off a potential rapist, robber, or worse isn’t going to give you much of an edge.   There are many reasons to consider carrying a less lethal defensive measure.   You can blast someone with something like this without much of a worry about legal ramifications.   I’ve seen pepper spray used against 0bnoxious drunks which in my opinion were justified.

Why is the Kimber Guardian Angel a good choose over bottled pepper sprays?   I’m not sure if there is anything else as innovative as the Kimber Guardian, but if there is feel free to fill me in on it.   Bottled defensive measures have 2 flaws for the most part.   Number one is that you are going to have to figure out which end is the one to point it when in a hostile situation and the other is the shelf life of the product.   The Kimber is easy to point and you will know in micro seconds which end to point at  your attacker.   There is a safety mechanism that prevents accidental discharge which is something that does occur with the flip tabs that bottle sprays have.   The Kimber Guardian Angel will fit comfortable in most 5.11 Tactical, Woolrich Elite Series or Eotac front pockets.  The Kimber also has a shelf life of over 2yrs and if you are buying bottle mace every year, the Kimber costs you only $20 a year for 2yrs to help  you not get that $40 sticker shock.

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