All posts tagged Tasco Riflescopes

The Plinkers Optics

Tasco RiflescopesSome of the Tasco optics can in a 1″ or 3/4″  tube so make sure you put some thought into what kind of size you need and get the proper scope rings. Tasco Pronghorn Rifle Scope 3-9X 40 30/30 Matte 1″ is a great scope to start out with.  There are a few tasco riflescopes that are good for Varmint hunting, too.   The Tasco Target Rifle Scope 6-24X 42 Illuminated Mil-Dot Matte has an illuminated reticle for even more possibilities.

Hopefully I don’t sound demeaning in calling Tasco riflescopes a plinkers scope, but I gotta be honest.  They are. and they are possible one of the best starting scopes any shooter can begin with.  Riflescopes can cost in the thousands of dollars, but not everyone needs a combat optic that can see the rings around Neptune.


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